Mystery Writing for Ages 11-15

Photo of pin tacks spilled from an open jar by Jess Bailey Designs on

1. Group or solo sleuthing

Photo pf man with camera, wearing coat and hat by Fatih Gu00fcney on

So you love sleuthing? How about following clues to solve a mystery? Let’s work together to write our own mystery! We’ll choose between two options: our own mysteries for our detective to solve or building one mystery as a group –- think missing artifact or person –- each of us directing the detective to pursue a separate clue.

2. Create the detective

Photo by Will Mu on tunnel with scribblings on the walls and ceilings

Did you know mysteries have their own vocabulary? We’ll develop a detective (and maybe his sidekick) who inspires us and create a setting that sets the mood. While on the hunt, we’ll sprinkle in some mysterious happenings and red herrings. Whether we set out on our own to solve the mystery or band together as a group, we’ll have fun on this writing journey.

3. Share, respond & combine

Photo by Frank Cone on Bubble on the ground in B/W

Along the path, we’ll share our writing and review how the details of our own story reveal the critical parts of storytelling. Through the process of giving and receiving feedback with panache, we’ll practice the best tools for revision. Then we’ll polish our contribution. If we create as a group, we’ll combine our parts of the story that will satisfy any mystery lover!